Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ivory Coast businesses seriously affected by post-election crisis

Daniel Brechat president of Ivory Coast's small companies (SMEs), says that entreprisis are really affect by the crisis in the country. Hotels, restaurants and all other services have been fully affected.Some people were also forced to closed their businesses or let go of some of the employees because there was not enough money to pay them.In my opinion this could all be resolved if they decide which of the presidents will take over to control  the country, this could really help the economy but, it will take a long time before everything comes back to normal.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Walmart controversy

The controversy of Walmart coming to NYC faced a big hearing. Some people think that having a Walmart would be a good thing because it's cheap and it's a big store where you could mostly find everything. On the other hand some people think that having Walmart is not a good idea because it makes people lose their jobs and it also forces the small business owner to close because they can not compete against that giant "Walmart". Many important figure in the United States are involved in that problem. Mayor Bloomberg says" the retailer has a right to open in the city, and would employ a large number of people" . In my opinion having Walmart is a bad idea because it makes all of these small business close and it makes lots of people lose job, and if they lose their jobs, they can not feed there family which is a very bad for some people.